Internal to the development team (cheap but inaccurate), while the product is being developed.

The basic rule of evaluation is: the earlier you assess the system, the less accurate the results but also the less costly to fix issues. Therefore:

What to evaluate: sketches, mock-up on a pc, wizard of oz (high quality moved by an human), prototype, the working system.

Activities in the inspection phase:

  1. Cognitive walkthrough
  2. Action analysis
  3. Heuristic analysis

1 and 2 are task-oriented evaluations, 3 is heuristic evaluation

Cognitive walkthrough

A fictional and step by step execution of a task, and the empirical evaluation of the likeliness of the fiction.

It is a method used to anticipate a user's actions and thoughts when interacting with an interface for the first time. It involves creating a credible story of how a user would complete a task using the interface. This story must align with general user knowledge and interface feedback.

  1. Ingredients Needed:
  2. Building a Story and Evaluation:
  3. Identifying Issues:
  4. Avoiding Common Errors:
  5. Differences from Scenarios:
  6. Self-Evaluation Questions:

The goal is to uncover potential issues with the interface by realistically imagining user interactions and refining the design based on these insights.