ISO 9241-210, Ergonomics of human-system interaction

A task-oriented process model [vedi capitolo precedente]

It provides guidance on human-system interaction throughout the life cycle of interactive systems.

The standard describes 6 key principles that will ensure the design is user centered:

  1. The design is based upon an explicit understanding of users, tasks and environments
  2. Users are involved throughout design and development
  3. The design is driven and refined by user-centered evaluation
  4. The process is iterative
  5. The design addresses the whole user experience
  6. The design team includes multidisciplinary skills and perspectives

Quality of Software Products [ISO 9241-100 series] : used to support user interface development

Quality of Hardware Products [ISO 9231-300 series] : used in the design and evaluation of workplaces, screens, keyboards and other input devices (explicit requirements)

Quality in use [ISO 9126]


100 series: software ergonomics, in particular part 110Dialogue principles

200 series: human system interaction processes, in particular part 210 → Human-centered design for interactive systems

ISO 9241-110: Dialogue Principles